Watching Paint Dry – Kroma Artist's Acrylics


  • Watching Paint Dry
  • acrylic mediumCobalt BluecrackleKromaKroma AcrylicsKroma CrackleQuinacridone Redtexture

Watching Paint Dry

Watching Kroma Crackle do its thing is so fun! Shown here are three examples of Kroma Crackle that have been tinted with acrylic paint, creating a two-toned crackle effect.

Tinted Kroma Crackle Technique with Acrylic Paint

Tinted Kroma Crackle Technique with Acrylic Paint

Tinted Kroma Crackle Technique with Acrylic Paint

To create this brightly coloured crackled effect, simply tint Kroma Crackle medium with small amounts of acrylic colour. For example, the third sample shown here is Kroma Crackle tinted with Quinacridone Red, applied over a dry layer of Cobalt Blue on watercolour paper. Allow 1-3 days to dry, then seal with a clear acrylic medium. For more detailed instructions, visit

  • Post author
    Jessica Schauteet
  • acrylic mediumCobalt BluecrackleKromaKroma AcrylicsKroma CrackleQuinacridone Redtexture

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